In a recent case, the Federal Court of Australia dismissed an appeal brought by an Indian citizen who had applied for a Medical Treatment (Visitor) (Class UB) visa (subclass 602). This case offers valuable insights into the complexities of migration law and the stringent criteria for obtaining a subclass 602 visa.
The appellant had a long history of Australian visas and visa applications dating back to 2008 when he first arrived in Australia on a student visa. Over the years, he pursued various avenues to remain in the country including applying for a skilled graduate visa, seeking ministerial intervention, and applying for a protection visa, all of which were unsuccessful.
In January 2019, he applied for a subclass 602 medical treatment visa. The appellant claimed he was suffering from anxiety and depression and had arranged for medical treatment in Australia. Despite this, his application was refused by a delegate of the Minister for Immigration, who was not satisfied that the appellant genuinely intended to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose of medical treatment.
On appeal, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) affirmed the delegate’s decision, pointing to the appellant’s long history of visa applications as evidence of his determination to remain in Australia. The AAT inferred that the appellant had used the medical visa as another option to extend his stay.
This decision was upheld by the Federal Circuit Court, and the appellant sought to appeal this decision to the Federal Court. However, the Federal Court dismissed the appeal, finding no illogicality or irrationality in the Tribunal’s decision
This case underscores the importance of satisfying all the criteria for a subclass 602 visa, including demonstrating a genuine intention to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose of medical treatment. It also highlights the rigorous analysis undertaken by the authorities in assessing visa applications and appeals. The courts will closely examine an applicant’s history and motivations, and will not hesitate to draw adverse inferences where appropriate.
For applicants, this case serves as a reminder of the importance of providing clear, consistent and compelling evidence to support their visa applications. It also underscores the need for professional advice when navigating the complexities of Australia’s migration laws.